How to make the most of health coaching sessions

So, what exactly is health coaching? In a nutshell, health coaching is about supporting you to make positive changes for your health and overall wellbeing.

Coaching is a two-way process: a collaboration between coach and client, with the client in the driving seat. That means you are an active partner, not a passive “patient”. It’s you who sets the agenda.

In other fields, the professional is the expert who shares their knowledge and skills, gives advice and suggestions, or prescribes a treatment. You simply follow their advice, and do as they say.

Health coaching is very different. The backbone of coaching is recognising that you are the expert in your own life. You know what’s right for you, how much you can take on, how you feel, what works and what doesn’t, and you know what you want to change.

Coaching supports change. While working with your coach you will think about the changes you want to make and what it will mean to achieve your goals.

Making changes can be a challenging process so you might feel a bit out of your comfort zone. We sometimes prefer to stay where we are rather than make changes. Anything new can make us anxious but coaching provides support, guidance, and reassurance to help you succeed and achieve your goals.

Health coaching isn’t therapy or counselling

Coaching is focussed on the present and future, on action, on navigating a path from where you are now to where you want to be. It revolves around supporting you to change, develop new healthier habits, and meet your goals and ambitions.

A coach will help you focus on improving your health. Many of us are focussed on meeting the needs of others and so we overlook self-care – often to the detriment of our own health.

So, make the most of this opportunity and maximise the benefits!

Tips for getting the most out of coaching

Engage – It’s YOUR time, so use it well and avoid distractions, stay fully focussed.

Be brave enough to be honest about your thoughts and feelings, say how you really feel, talk about your anxieties and concerns. Remember you won’t be judged or criticised - coaching provides a safe space to express these emotions.

Acknowledge your challenges, frustrations and obstacles. Don’t deny them, they are real and if you are aware of them and accept them you can begin to deal with them.

Stay optimistic and bring a beginners’ growth mindset. That means being ready to accept that things can improve and you don’t have to stay “stuck”.

Step outside your comfort zone - That’s where real change and growth happens. Try it, just a bit, do it regularly and it will soon become easier to face our challenges.

Ask if you’re unsure – if there is something you don’t quite get, ask, and go over it again. It’s important you are clear about what you’ve been discussing.

Make notes if it helps, either during the session or immediately afterwards. Record not only the facts and what you discussed, but also your thoughts and feelings.

Enjoy your health coaching sessions. You’re re-writing your future!


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